Noise Mapping

Frequency based noise mapping, enables the detection of invisible sound sources that cause an increase in ambient noise and thus allows to find the actual noise sources in the field. 

Noise maps serve as a guide for acoustic investments and it is used to determine the most suitable acoustic solutions with the best performance. 

Why it is necessary?

  • Ensures that the correct noise sources are found
  • It is the road map to achieve the desired noise level in the field
  • Prevents faulty applications
  • Prevents uncessary investment costs


1) Point-by-Point Noise Measurement: With the latest technology (Class1 type) noise measurement device, noise is measured in A,Z,C bands between 20 Hz- 20 kHz in accordance with the required standards.

2) Creating Noise Maps: The measurement results are separated into frequency bands and the noise maps are created.

3) Final Reporting: The noise data obtained is examined on a frequency basis and reported to our customers with appropriate solution alternatives in line with our know-how.